Can A Carbon Monoxide Detector Find A Gas Leak In Columbia

One of the things you need to do as a homeowner is to protect you, your family, and your property from risks like break-ins, floods, and fires. You could also think about toxins that could be in the air you breathe. As it concerns to ”the silent killer”, you might be wondering if a carbon monoxide detector will find a gas leak in Columbia.
The quick answer is "No," but carbon monoxide detectors are still a vital part of your house’s defense. Here's what you should understand when monitoring against gas that could invade your rooms.
Carbon monoxide is not natural gas
While carbon monoxide and natural gas might be linked together, it's vital to understand the difference between them. Natural gas leaks can spring up in many places, most commonly when your gas line enters your home and within the space where your furnace lives. A leak can be dangerous because natural gas is flammable, and there is a huge risk of explosions and fires. Of course, you have a chance to get leaks immediately because of a failsafe that produces the intense smell. If you detect the smell you immediately get a hold of your utility company directly and vacate the house.
CO Is Unscented, Ghost Hazard To Your Health
Carbon Monoxide is a life-threatening gas which is a byproduct of faulty burning of fuel. It generally shows up to your house with a broken furnace, clothes dryer, or gas fireplace. While not as common as natural gas, it is still dangerous. But the more concerning menace is to your health. Carbon monoxide won’t have the rotten-egg additives found in natural gas, so it's an odorless "silent killer."
CO hinders your lungs from getting the O2 it needs
After carbon monoxide enters your lungs, it stops your cells from carrying the oxygen your body needs. Basically, carbon monoxide can suffocate you, and it's hazardous to children and babies who breathe more rapidly and whose organs are still growing. When you experience carbon monoxide poisoning, you might get dizziness, headaches, nausea, and shortness of breath. Extended exposure may lead to passing out or death.
CO detectors can be one of the most important safety devices
While a carbon monoxide detector can’t detect a gas leak in Columbia, it may protect your family by alerting you to this potentially deadly byproduct. The greatest hazard happens at night when you are in bed, as you likely won't notice what's going on. However, even if you’re active, you're still unlikely to know that CO has invaded your living areas.
So look at a carbon monoxide detector with the same frame of mind a fire detector. Place these components high up on the walls or ceiling as carbon monoxide can rise up. Each story of your residence should have at least one detector. And it's highly recommended to put one them by the bedrooms. And, you should check out your carbon monoxide detectors every month.
Integrate your CO detectors with your home security system
When you pair your CO detector with your home security system, you add another layer of safety. Not only will you get accurate CO sensors, but there’s also phone alerts and a quick response from your round-the-clock monitoring pros. Monitoring is definitely wanted with a CO issue, as they’ll make sure help will come even if you aren’t able make the call yourself.